Reflection for Wednesday, March 4 from Pastor Wes

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As we have talked about prayer this week, both in worship on Sunday and in our weeknight Bible Study groups, a consistent theme is one of noticing the ways that many activities can become an opportunity to pray. I have heard people talking about prayer happening while cooking dinner, washing dishes, lying awake in bed, mowing the yard, running, driving, swimming, and more. As you have gone through this week, what are some ways that you are becoming more aware of the ways that prayer is a part of your life? Are you noticing places in your life or spaces of time in your day that are invitations to prayerfulness? Are there ways that God is nearer to you in your daily routine than you previously noticed?

 I encourage you as you go through your day today to be open to these new insights and opportunities. If you are looking, I believe God will give you many opportunities and reasons to pray. Finally, my prayer for you today is that your time in conversation with God deepens your relationship with the One who is the Lover of Your Soul.