Reflection for Friday, March 13 from Pastor Brad


These last couple of days have been wonky and even disconcerting. In view of the unsettledness around us (perhaps even within us), we wake to this morning as people of hope. We believe love is moving even when the fixtures of the world are less fixed than we thought. God’s love is so deep and so broad that it is at work now in ways that are beyond what we can even see or ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

So, we take hope and heart, and as we together come to the table of God’s grace on this day, we pray: for the fullness of life in all Creation; for the sick and for those among us who are most physically and economically vulnerable; for caretakers, who provide relief and healing. We let our own vulnerable lives fall into the gracious love in which God always and everywhere holds us and we remember together that “Our help comes from God, who made heaven and earth…..God will keep us. God will keep our life. God will keep our going out and our coming in from this time on and forevermore.” (Psalm 121)