Reflection for Wednesday, March 11 from Pastor Brad


“Eat with me, Uncle Brad!”

I am wandering in the middle of the open kitchen at my brother’s home. I grab another slice of pizza from the counter and pace -- rather aimlessly -- back and forth across the kitchen. I look toward the living room and pay only a moment’s attention to whatever was on the TV, and these words from my niece beckon me almost as though they were a call from heaven. “Eat with me, Uncle Brad!” They are so full of energy and hope; full of desire and yearning! She saved a place for me right next to her, and her desire in that moment was that I would take that place and be with her in the simple delights of putting pizza in our mouths and laughing at silly things. When I take her invitation, my mind seems to settle and become less distracted and my spirit feels like it stretches out to hold the beauty and grace of just being with another beautiful person. (I hope I tell my niece how much her simple invitations to share table fellowship with her mean to me! :-) )

I think Jesus was an “Eat with me, friends!” kind of person. Jesus said things kind of like: “Let’s keep this good party at Cana going a little longer!” or “Hey Zaccheus, I’m coming over to your house today!” or “Of course, there’s enough bread and fish for all of us!” Jesus was eager to share good table fellowship where everyone had a place and everyone shared in the goodness of God that was revealed at table. Jesus lived an invitational life and invites our lives to do the same in how and with whom we practice table sharing.

As I’m reflecting a bit about table sharing in the love of Christ this week, I pray that my life might lean a little more toward that unabashed, invitational graciousness of Christ’s table sharing with others; especially others that I may not yet know so well.. I think my niece is helping to show me the way. For you, this Lent -- perhaps this week -- may there be moments when the energy of your life speaks those welcoming words, “Hey, eat with me!”