Reflection for Thursday, March 6 from Pastor Wes


The Lenten journey or personal reflection is, of course, a personal one, but spirituality is inherently about community. Even in this reflection today there are no less than five of us, me, and our Triune God. But then there are also the heavenly hosts. Angels. Saints. Ancestors. Though we may often feel alone, we are never truly alone.

Today as you practice prayer in your daily life, remember that even as you share your prayers with God or Jesus, many others are participating and “listening in.” An entire spiritual realm cheers you on and seeks your good--the book of Hebrews all but promises that this is so! These days we are rather accustomed to people “listening in.” Google, Amazon, Apple, and probably many more use the technology that surrounds us to gather data about us, sell us products, or anticipate our needs in helpful ways. But the “listening in” that occurs in the Sacred realm of our prayers is free from the greed of capitalism. It is only a “listening in” that is for your good. The Spirit and saints “listen in” to join you in prayer, and even to pray on your behalf when you cannot find the words. (Romans 8:26-27)

So, as we close our week focused on prayer, don’t worry! Even when you struggle to pray or don’t know how to pray, prayer is happening. You are not never alone. Hold on to that assurance as you pray...and if you have no words today, feel free to sit in silence and know that the heavenly hosts are praying on your behalf.