Reflection for Monday, March 23 from Pastor Wes


Yesterday in worship we reflected on the ways that Sacraments can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, the everyday into the Sacred. Even in these unusual times, God continues to invite us into Holy Moments of Sacrament.

In my sermon yesterday, I shared these words by the 19th century poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

Earth is crammed with heaven

And every common bush afire with God

But only for the one who sees and takes off their shoes.

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries

And daub their faces unaware.

Her words are an invitation to see our days as opportunities for Divine encounter, for experiences of Sacrament. We can either find ourselves seeing our God all around us, or we can find ourselves wondering if God is even here at all. It depends on how we choose to view our world and our days. It depends on the way we either open our eyes to God or not.

My prayer for you today is that you discover that your home, your neighborhood, your world is crammed with heaven.