Reflection for Friday, April 3 from Pastor Brad


A prayer

Gracious One…..

We wake to this day, and may we know the way your Spirit now wakes up in us.

As our muscles and bodies gently alert us to being in the mystery of this moment, may we sense how you are moving to gently stretch our spirits from the core of our hearts and lovingly warm us up for being in this day….

That we may care well for the hope in our own hearts.

That we may share signs of blessings with other hearts that we encounter.

That we may know our lives are always upon the ground of your love; even -- and especially -- when the shadows of life seem to be long and deep.

Though we are closed in more these days, encourage us always not to close ourselves off.

But let us find the simple delights of your presence and your love that beckon us to share generously the treasures you have given us… this moment…...and in the next…..and for this day that you have made.
