Reflection for Wednesday, April 8 from Pastor Lauren


Holy Wednesday

Did Jesus know that this would be his last night as a free man? Had he already heard that Judas had been seen talking to Roman officials earlier that day? Was he angry at Judas? Though little is written about what happened on Jesus’s last full day and night of freedom, I wonder what was on his mind. What did he do? What was he thinking about?

I wonder if Jesus was soaking in one last day of life, knowing his death would happen soon. I wonder if he went to the markets to look around and watch people interact. I wonder if he watched children play and gave them apples to snack on while they took a break from the sun. I wonder if he hiked through a wooded area to notice the ways spring was coming forth from the soil and the trees. I wonder if Jesus took a bath and remembered his baptism -- remembered all the places he had traveled and gave thanks to his weathered body. I wonder if he lit candles and prayed for the people he loved, for the people he was leaving his unfinished mission to, for the poor, and for the powerful. I wonder if he laughed with his friends and played the flute for them while they danced.

Thinking about the death of Jesus makes me think of the amazing way he lived his life. It makes me think about the people he healed with his hands, about the places he walked through, about the conversations he had, and the commitments of his life.

How do you think Jesus spent his last day fully free? What are stories of his life you are most grateful for? How do you strive to keep his memory alive thousands of years later?