Reflection for Thursday, March 19 from Pastor Lauren


May All the Earth Rejoice!

Psalm 148 is one of my favorite Psalms because it knits all of creation together and helps us to attune our ears to the cries of joy and sorrow shouted by the other living beings we share the planet with.

For too long, I believe we have been ignoring the cries of the earth as she asks us to save her from pollution and waste that fills the sea, land, and air. Last night in our Lenten class, Cat shared how this time of staying home is allowing even the earth to rest as cars stay off the road and planes are grounded.

Though I’m not suggesting that what’s happening with this virus is a good thing, I am suggesting that God can create good out of chaos -- in fact, isn’t that always what God does? Perhaps in this time we can re-learn how to be in community with one another -- and the earth -- as we all are faced with thinking about the things of life that matter most.

Today, I invite you to look outside. Notice the hints of spring that are starting to come up out of the ground, in the trees, or heard in the songs of the birds returning home from winter. Take a moment to read Psalm 148 and think about the ways all of creation both rejoices and calls out for help. Think about the ways your actions can help creation to flourish rather than wilt.


Psalm 148, Julia Seymour

The Words From Her Mouth Psalter

Let’s get excited about God!

You jaguars and grizzly bears, roar to the One who made and keeps you.

Let’s dance with divine inspiration!

You dolphins and frogs, leap with joy toward the highest heaven.

Let’s sing together a song of salvation!

You wolves and red-tailed hawks, exult in your freedom and belovedness.

Let’s worship the Spirit who brings order out of chaos.

You sea otters and kangaroos, give thanks with your whole being.

Let’s listen to the Love that is the source of all healing.

You pronghorns and pandas, rest in the everlasting arms of provision.

Let’s celebrate grace, unearned concession freely and generously given!

You snails and blue whales embrace your vocations.

Let’s praise God as a united creation!

You siblings and friends, you neighbors and strangers, you ascetics and revelers,

let us praise the Lord – eternal Love poured out, among, and for us.
