Claiming the Power of Prayer

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The famous church reformer Martin Luther is famously quoted, “I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”

Be it the anxiety-making news from Washington or much more local concerns for the health and well-being of our loved ones, we all have good reason to be in prayer every day. Because of the physical distance that COVID has created in our church community, we realized that it has become very hard to ask each other for prayer. So, we have created a new prayer page on our website where you can share your prayer requests and read the prayer requests of others. The webpage is easy to remember:

We hope that this page, where we have a chat box for you to post your prayers in, will be a helpful tool to keep us all connected. We also hope it will allow us to pray together, even while we are apart.

Please keep in mind that all the prayer requests shared on that page are public and able to be viewed by anyone anywhere. So, if you have a more private prayer request, you can still send those prayer requests to our Congregational Care Team who will hold those prayers in confidence.

Since we have talked about how important prayer is, why don't we pray together now...

Dear God, we thank you for your eternal love and the steadfast nature of your Spirit. Even when things in our world seem out of control, we know you are still watching over us. When we feel lost or alone, we know you are right beside us. Thank you for being so faithful to us.

Today we lift up our prayers for our church - for all the many faces we cannot see each week. May each of our friends feel our love reach across time and space to offer a hug. Allow us, for this sacred moment, to feel the warmth that always greeted us as we stepped into the building on Sunday morning.

God, please help us to maintain our relationships with each other in the best ways we can in these unprecedented times we are living through. We thank you for Jesus, who first showed us how to love unconditionally. Help us to always be a church of unconditional love.

We pray these things through your many names, and especially through the name of Jesus, Amen.