Everything Doesn't Happen for a Reason

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...but some things do. On Sunday, Jerry McGinty-Gayer consecrated communion and reminded us that even though things happen in our world that are not of God, some things are.

When Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples, he knew the end was near. He knew that this might be his last opportunity to give a lasting gift to the ones he loved. So, he gave them a ritual, gave them a gift that has been passed down to us through our family of faith.

Since Jerry reminded us that some things are for a reason, my spirit has been stirred and I have been looking for the intentionality of God this week. I have seen God in meetings and in classes. Noticing how someone may ask something that someone else in the space knows something about. From my window at home this week, I watched a dog jump the fence and watched as immediately a group of kids playing in the park ran to help it return home. On a day I was feeling a little down, I got a letter in the mail that picked me right back up again.

During times when it seems sorrow surrounds us and we question what is happening our world, may we remember that some things do happen for a reason. Let us look for God who is within us and by our side. So I ask, where has God spoke to you this week? What are some of things that have happened for a reason in your life?