

MCCGSL practices all forms of baptism: infant, adult, sprinkling, and immersion.

Just as we share an open communion, we offer baptism to all kinds of people: members and non-members, infants to adults, people who prefer sprinkling and people who prefer immersion… We also practice re-baptism for those who want to ritualize the twists and turns in their journey, including those who have adopted new names. In this way, our practices of baptism and communion express our commitment to radical welcome and inclusivity. 

We recognize that the ritual of baptism, the symbolism of water, and the commitment to community all have different layers of significance and meaning for different people. While we may provide guidance and insight into the possible meanings of baptism for you, we do not insist on any particular way of understanding or practicing baptism. However, one meaning of baptism that we cherish is “welcome to the family,” the human family, the family of faith.

Therefore, we welcome what baptism means to you and we will work with you to see what best suits your faith and spirituality.

Please contact the church staff if you are interested in baptism.