Everything [In]between
This Lenten season, we are beginning a new series, Everything [In] Between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes. Throughout our Lenten journey, we will explore how Jesus’ ministry was rooted in radical relationships that defied religious, political, and social divides.
Lent is a season of tension—of messy and confusing beginnings, middles, and endings. Jesus is on the road, but he’s not quite there yet. He tells stories, but the crowds don’t understand. He is a rising leader, yet not the one people expected. He lifts up outsiders, welcomes the rejected, and redefines what it means to love our neighbor. Jesus' words were often shocking and confusing to the audiences of his time and can still be that way to us today.
Each week, we will wrestle with supposed opposites—faith & works, rest & growth, grief & hope—discovering that these dichotomies are often false. So throughout this season, we are invited into the "liminal space", the in-between, where life is complex, and answers aren’t always simple.
God meets us in the messy middle of our lives—admist our fears, doubts, and despair. And in those spaces, we can meet each other too. Instead of seeking certainty, we will embrace nuance, tension, and mystery, trusting that God is present beyond the categories we create.
For a pdf of our church programs during lent, click here!