Join Rev Lillie at her home on Tuesday, February 20 for a Holy Conversation about our future.
2018 is an important year for our church and denomination as we celebrate 45 and 50 years of doing ministry in St. Louis and around the globe. These important markers offer an opportunity to appreciate all that we have done while simultaneously, expecting that God is ready to give us a new picture of our future.
Pastors Wes and Lillie will be inviting all of you in groups of 10 to come to their homes and have Holy Conversations about the future of MCCGSL. What are your hopes and dreams for this community of faith? What are you most passionate about in your life, and where does that intersect with your faith? Who do you believe God is calling us to be in this new season? All of these questions and more, invite us to pray, share, listen and discern so that our future together is all that God has imagined for us.