Celebrate Father's Day


As was the case with Mother's Day, Father's Day is going to feel a bit different this year. For those who are accustomed to doing something special with their Dad on Father's Day, some traditions may have to change this year. For those who have lost their dads or have no relationship with their dad, this might be a year where the pain of that loss is particularly close.

During worship on Sunday, we will be having a special blessing for our fathers and for the fatherly figures in our lives. We invite you to bring photos of your father(s) or fatherly figure(s) to the space in which you worship. We will ask you to hold or touch the picture(s) during the blessing -- or, if you prefer, simply close your eyes and draw on your memories of your dad.

We encourage you to think about inviting your dad to share worship with you on Sunday, or take a picture and send it to your dad or fatherly figure, and let them know your church prayed for them on this special day.