Finding God by Dusty Geiger

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When I first came to MCCGSL I was scared. My heart was pounding; but I walked in anyway. I came because friends invited me. They ushered me over to a woman named Mama Cathy. She must have seen the deer in the headlights look on my face. She wrapped her arms around me, gave me a huge hug, her warmth enveloping me; and I believe that was the Holy Spirit. I was able to hear God differently in a way that felt truthful. For many years I had struggled to understand and find comfort with God when I heard “God loves you BUT . . .” At this church I didn’t hear the BUT and became receptive to hearing more.

I joined the Covenant Family that Mama Cathy and Jake led and there continued to find the truth I had been seeking. Our group had people from all types of religious backgrounds. So, we talked about our beliefs and the questions we had. Truth grew. God found me and I found God through these people. I participated in the Creating a Life that Matters (CLM) class where I expanded my relationship with the Holy. My faith and concept of God broadened. As my understanding of God and scripture grew, I became confident in my ability to explain MCC as a denomination and the beliefs that are a part of Metropolitan Community Churches. I became comfortable giving back what I was so freely given.

I helped out with Pride; there I saw and heard incredible interactions. I witnessed our pastors speaking to people who are amazed that there is a “Gay church!” I watched as fear, anger and skepticism melted, maybe not immediately, but always with truth and understanding meeting people wherever they are on their faith walk or struggles. Seeing people and families who come to Pride looking to find support, answers, help and just able to relax and enjoy a safe space to be authentic with no questions is a part of who we are at MCCGSL.

God has found me mostly through service: cooking for fellowship after the service so people could enjoy each other’s company, teaching Children’s Church so people knew that what their children were hearing wouldn’t cause them emotional damage or confusion, making Pride buttons and marching in the Pride parade with my sons.

Acceptance of myself and those around me is where God found me.