Finding God from the Heart of Carole Ward

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Good Day Church Family and friends! I wish to give Thanks for the honor of being asked to participate during our series, "Finding God in …." Different voices and opinions are vital to gain a clearer understanding of others. First and foremost, however, we should LISTEN with both open minds and open hearts. Again, I give thanks!

The query "Where Does God Find Me?" has only one answer … EVERYWHERE! During my darkest, saddest, happiest times, God is always here. Are there times that I forget? Absolutely. As humans, our desire to take control and even create a “back up plan” is in our DNA. We may have already asked for God's help, never realizing during our lives that life will always be God's Will, God's Way, our faith. We must trust the Creator of the universe to guide us through life. Without God we will not succeed, especially as neither the perils of life nor the enemy’s tactics will cause one ounce of what God is holding to be moved. God is the anchor through our lives.

I find God when I see the Cardinal resting on a branch of a tree. Or the finches eating the seeds that the squirrels didn’t find first. Or in my client’s eyes when they’re unaware of what is the matter with them as they await test results in the emergency room, For example, I see and feel the fear of the student who falls off the trampoline, fracturing his wrist during the fall, who has yet to be told the diagnosis. God has graced me with the knowledge and compassion to remain calm, even though my heart may be racing and allows me to hold the hand of someone when they are being informed of not so good news. Frequently, God reminds me to use comforting quotations. I'll close with my favorite: “Even when I am scared, I can put my faith in YOU. Give me a courageous faith in YOU, Jesus.